Monday, November 3, 2014

Instant and Delayed gratification....

Gratification is an important aspect in human behaviour. Primarily it is instant gratification and delayed gratification. As humans we are always tempted to take decisions which suits us now, without thinking about its ramifications. It is not that this behaviour is prevalent only in teenage or early 30s, but repetitive thing. Looking back at your life retrospectively will help you understand what I am talking about. Think it this way – compare you and your parents and probably the coming generation too – our parents used to first earn money, then save it and then spend on whatever surplus they had. On the other hand, we first spend money and earn to payback the same and then save some if at all there is some surplus available. In a way our parents got delayed gratification. It’s important to realize that we give in more to instant gratification.This principle of instant and delayed gratification is applicable in all aspects of our life. Be it marriage, financial investment, career decisions etc. We need to win the war over instant gratification and need to envision what are the long term goals of our life. What is that we must to now, so that we reap a much better yield after 10-15 years? I am not a proponent of always being in the future and ruin your present, but having long term goals as well the attitude to safeguard your present will help your overcome this. I for one believe that we will have to find a middle path between instant and delayed gratification, because neither of them can keep us happy always. Its important that we don’t sink in to the marshland of debt and misery and neither do we ruin our present by over-thinking of the unforeseen future. Stay afloat is what I have learnt in life.In my subsequent blogs I will share more details on how I have lost and gained from either of these behaviours. Here I am sharing these articles which I came across and found then good leisurely reads:

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